Alexander Dennis, a subsidiary of NFI Group Inc., one of the world’s leading independent global bus manufacturers, today announced that the company has officially opened its new Trident House facility in Farnborough.

Trident House is the latest state-of-the-art facility from Alexander Dennis, the UK’s largest bus and coach manufacturer.

The new facility will be critical to taking forward the company’s new product development agenda and zero emission mobility ambitions, with the innovative hub housing experts from across the business in engineering and test and development, as well as other key business teams who will underpin future success for the company.

Trident House takes its name from the iconic Dennis Trident low floor chassis, which revolutionised accessible double deck buses in the UK and across the globe in the 1990s. Legacy preservation was a key consideration in the design of the facility, which will additionally have a museum honouring the heritage of the Dennis brand and the people, knowledge, passion and expertise it encompasses.

To mark the start of a new era for Alexander Dennis, Trident House was officially opened by Paul Soubry, NFI President and CEO at a company-wide ribbon cutting ceremony.

Alexander Dennis President and Managing Director Paul Davies said: “Our people are our most precious resource and even in these very challenging times, we have invested in creating a modern, bright working environment to benefit our valued team members, providing them with the space, support and services they require to be able to do their jobs to the very best of their abilities.

“Trident House underlines our commitment to the UK market and to the recruitment and retention of the essential highly skilled jobs that will underpin the transition to zero emission mobility.

“We are incredibly proud of our history with Dennis having been established in 1895. Trident House is a positive reinvigoration of the Dennis brand which always has been synonymous with chassis innovation and engineering expertise. Our heritage and proven track record will play an important part in continued our business growth, both domestically and internationally, as well as providing a strong differentiator for Alexander Dennis compared to new market entrants.”